Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 22, 12 ʻOkakopa 1893 — AGAIN RUSSIA ! [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The ominous silence of the P. G. journals in face of tbe Holomi'a s interpretation of the recognition of the “Hawaiian Republic,” renders dnrker the clond of suspicion snrronndmg that circnmstance. The **Advertiser” has ventnred to emerge from l>ehind the batteries of P. G. intrigue. and admits that “complieatious are now arising aronnd Hawaii, aiul tbnt the question uow is “io whieh of the powers shall Hawaii fall.” This assertion is probably true and acconnts for the desperate etfj>rts of the P. G. usurpers to effect a corapromise with the Royalists, or legitimists. if you plea.se. It has a!ways been the vainglorious boast of the cliqne of meu who run the P. G., that they,—and they only,—were possessed of the necessary intelligence to handle the tools of government in this country. Their towering conceit led them to their mad climax of Jannaiy 17, and now wilness their ignomiuioua failure, snrronnded by “complications” from whieh they are desperately trying to extricate themselves. Diplomacy, statemanship and politics they fancied thernselves to be past-masters in, but really tbey were not tit to take an apprentice’s degree. They also elaim to be "good Araerieans;” but we donbt if UneleSam wouldbe proud of sucb chīldren. Now those who eouhl be goilty of perfidy to the country thatgave them a hospitable home and a generous eompeienee, eau also be suspected of perfidy to their native land if their petty interests made perfidy necessary. American int«rest« demand tbat the Uniteil States shou!d predominate here. This is eonceded by tfie Qneen, the Hawaiian people and all good royalists and loyalists, who hope for nothing better th»n a restoralion of the independent monarchy.nnd the leg timate government of tbe p>eople undera U.S. prOtectorate. Are the **good Amerivians' of the P. G. as loyal to Uuele Sitm Have not Thusrton and Mrs. Mccnlly threatened to give Hawaii to £ngiand ? And now the evidence seems to indicate that tbe P. G. psendo Americans »re making some perfidioos compact with Bnssia witboat consitleriog the position of the l'nitevl States in the m<*tter. The attempted change of title frora ** P, i».“ to "Commonweaith'' is oertainly not nece«ary for tbe porposes ol annexatioo: bot it seetns to be a move to forestal the jndgment of tfae U. S- in the queslion that has been sabmittad to tfaem. And foHber, it looka as tboogfa the P. G. were anxioas (o gek on a pennaneni footiog through other than Amer-

iean help, ami thns treat. if not | with Germany or England. perhaps with Rns»ia. for a protec(ormte that will eoniinne tbeir despotic and unpopular rule. We soggest to the tme Americans of the Annexation Club who are yet «nppoHing the P G. npon its t>>ttering pedestal. tbat they stacd on guard. and pnt a olose watch npon tbeir treacherons brethren. who are revly to sell oot to England. Knssia or anv other conntry that will shield their dishonor. au*l pandor to their craving for 9eII-power. Private advices received by last mail confinn the snspiciou. tbat thire has been metho<l in . the political madness of the eon- j snlar ropresentitives of a cert*in ! Cierraan firra here. and that Enro- j peau diplomacy has found ©onve- 1 nieut ;issistanee m the enpidity j and stupidity ofour P.G. filibust- | erers.