Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 22, 12 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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*jfarral H. F. BFRTEUI-X>;N. COSTRACTOK ASD BriLDEF s 86 King St.. Bell Telepbone 107. CHAS. MOLTENO. —fry TOXSORIAL ART1ST, “^3— No. 511 Kiug Street, Honolnla, H. I. Give me a trial. M. LOSE, >sotarv Rublic. CoUecior and General Busine$9 .1 gent. Mnta*l Telephon« S. P. O. Box .13S. Merchan« s«R«t. Houoluln. Theo. P. 8mus. A. W. Boi>-rni, ALOHAGALLERY 513 Fo»r Stkket, Ho.NOLn.n. (Up4tain.) Portraits & Landscapes Finest Colle«tion of Hawaiian Tiews. P. O. Box 498. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! ill A. Iv K R Y amd lee Cream Parlors F. HOHN. Propeiktob.1 PRACTICAL Coeftftioser &OrMCDter ln all hianohea of the bnsinei® on these isUnds. american. french. engLISH axd GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. \Vedding and Birth-day CAK.ES Maile of the vcr\* best maienal, ansarpassetl in richnesa of cjaality antl ornaraenteilin onapproachable style. at lower prices tban any other establishment in Honololo. Familg \ FaDcij Bread, Guava Jelly. Preserve<I Tamarintls aad Tamarind Syrap. ALL C0NFECTI0NERY Manafactared at roy Establishment are Guarantee<l l*> be PwnHEll prBE aml sol<l ai pr»ce» no o?hcr establL»hroent ean compete vrith. I FACTORY 4 STORE, No. 71 Hotxl Street, . 6etween Nonann and Fort Streeb BOTH TELBPHOXE8 Vo. 74.