Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 22, 12 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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XnsiBfS5 €ards BRUCE&A. J. CARTWRICHT Ba«iaMa o i a Kidnci*i-r N*taw Tnxaacie<L lTooi}i! sttentk>n 0reu k> tbe iuupm!ūt of &uIrk Oaaniunohip*. Tm#to. etc.. *tc., etc. OrR<x«, : CariirrigKt Building, Uerciuint Street, Honoht)n. F. H. KEDWARD. CONTRACTOR a.-cd BnLDER, No. 506 King Street, Honolnla. Hawaiian Islands. MACFARLANE A CO. Tkalers in Wines and Spirits Kaahnmima Street, Honoluhi. B«U īalephom* 331. P. O. Box 32 W T . W T . WRIOHT A SON, Carriags and Wagon Builders IN ALL 1T8 BRANCHES. 71* nnJ 80 King Ssn«e;. Hooolnhi, H. I. H. E. McINTYRE A BRO., Grocert, Pekd Store A Bakert, Cornor of Eing and Fort St^., Honolaln. J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAI. PLUMPEK, OAS.FTTTER OOPPRRftMlTH. House and Ship Job Work Promptlv Execatod. No. 71 King Street. Honolaln. G-C3NSilL¥ES & Im{X)rters A Dealers in Groceries. Wines, Spirits, &c. Queen St., Honolala. iCmpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, l'iu>r»irroR. Fine Wine& Liquoi% Beer, ALWATS ON HAND. Coraer Nnuaan and Hotel Street< LEWI8*J. LEVEY, Real Estate :md General Anctioneer. Corner Fort and Oueen Streots, Honolulu Personal attention g>ven to Sales of Farniture, Real Estato. Stoc*k and Oenenil Merchaudise. Mnlnal Tcl«j>hoit« 233. IV U TeWphonc 331. Po«t Offloa Box 32. W.W.WRiGHT&SON f*nii m A'WiiM Baite Is ALL Irs Bra\CHE3. Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY. 79 &nd 80 King Si, Honolaia.