Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 22, 12 October 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ifn$nrancf ilafkr$. MAKINE IĪTSURANCE. The Um»kr>!'!NM» i' auth« rir.oi to take Marine Risks ON HulLs, Cai*iroes, Fi , eis:ht£« and Commissions, at Cunvnt liatc« in the f«>llowin" Coni{>anies, viz; Allianee Assn rance Fire . \[arine, - Lonāon Wilhelnm of Mad£eburg Oen’l. Ins. Co. Sun In*urance Cn. t - - San Francisco .1. S. WALKKK, tor Hawaiian Islands Telei'Hoses : Mntn.‘il 417. 11esIDEXCE : Mutual 410. P.O. 117. E. B. THOMAS, Contractor Builder Kstimates Guvn ou All Kiuds OF illi III», .'TII\E f w ai(s A;1 Kipds of Jcbb ng in thc Buildir.g Trade, Attcndcd to. KEEPS FOR SALE: Ih;ck l.ime, Ceinen(. Iron Pire -r.<l Fittings, OM .v N. w C. rrr.g>tt<‘l lron. Minton Tiles. liie-, assorted s zev and eolom; C«li(««i ni;« ;«n<l Monterev Sand. Granite Cnrl»ing and B!ocks, etc. etc. OFFICE <fk YARD; (Coracr King «ft Smith Sts. Ofhce Hours, 8 to la M., i to 4 P. M, Holomun PuhlishinQ: ♦ Co., PrBLISHERS OF THE o MAWAIi* * HnLOMl'A," V .Tourn:)! iNsued 1 )nil,v. (Sun«! *y exoeph*d) In t?.e Engi,sh lnngaag. r.::»1 ph4ie Iiio:»Ts ,»\n PftEvn.jc.rN <-.f th o{ tl <• iabor;tsg n n. nmi M! t for Uie v h {** rnr» r* • ._< ! :n {«tiliov to support e H\WAIUX tbe P'AkI »ih) lionest Govern.1015 l»iiI\TEHtS Ail ;vnd Job Pk:\ :\c. »i«-ailv execnttd at sbort notice am! at nuxier<*te f'<gures. BILL HEAI)S. CARDS I.ETTEK HEAPS. POSTBRS etc.. Fin sbed in Firsl-Cl«as«tyie. labnd Onl«»rs j*oIir«Wtl uud pn>m]4lv atteiuled to. OrrurE: Thotr«s Blnek. King Street. Honoialu, U. 1.