Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 22, 12 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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L. H. DEE, Jobb«r of lViiits. S\m and fm HOTEL ST.. B«twe«n Fort anJ B«tbe) Streete. Anchor Saloon, SOUTHEAST Corner of King & Nuuanu Sti THE Finest Brands Wines & Liquors X» •* ll ** HOT LUNOH DAILT l"rom 11:30 n.m. to 1:30 . W M. CUNNINGHAM, Makaoep. JUST ARRIVED, q q q Bahy Carriages OK ALL STYI.rs, Carpots, Rugs, Mata IS THF. LATFST PATTEBSS “HOUSEHOLD" Sewing Machines o Haxd Se»ing Machixks, Wuh the Utxt Im;Ar0Trm*nts'*O PARLOF Or<rans, Gnitars, An l Otfaer Mnsuo*l lulnmmu \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAT8 0S HAND, ANI» FOB 8ALE BV ED H0FF8GHLiEGEB i C0 Ki&it St.. oppo. C«ti< A CuokrV Long Branch BATHING Establishment. Tbis First-cl»ss Batbmg Resoit bas be«n an<! is no m open to the pnhiie. U i« th« best p-aee on tbe tsland* to eojoy a bath sml there is no better pUee to Uy otf Spectol aeeoam(xlation.H for L*die*. Tramc»r* pa«s the door every b*if bonr and on Satarday» and Sundays er»*ry fifteen minnle». JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor