Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 22, 12 October 1893 — SALARIES OF LEGISLATORS. [ARTICLE]

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In (irrmany «nd France Lawmakiujr ls 5ot a l.ncratiTC ProfrssloB, In Germany the members of the Reichstag receive no payment, bnt are provide«i with free passes on the German railways. The same practice obtains in the case of merabers of the “Herrenhaus“ or Upper Houae of the Prus?iau Legis!ature; but those of tho Lower Hoose receive an allowanee—Diaten or Tagegelder —of 16s. a day dnring thesession as well aa traveling ex{>enses. France pays eaeh of her Senators and Deputies X.%0 a year minua a deduction of 4s. a month for refreshmenta —pour la buvette. Moreover, the members of both As.semblies travel first-class and gratis on all the State railway linea. and a montbly subscription of 8s. enables tbem to travel first-class throaghmt the yoar on eveiy line. Clearly, there must l>e less )ucrative pn>fession in France tban tbat of Senator or Deputy. In Austria raembers of the Lower Hon.se o( Parliament receive 16«. a day &nd traveling expenses. and in Hungary a y«ar, iccloding an allowanee for renL If. however. we vonld attaia tbe full realization of the radical ideal in tbis matter we ranst croas the AtUntic and eontemplate tbe system whieh prev*il» in lbe Fnited States. wbere eaeh Senator. Repreeentative aod Delegate in C'ongress receiv«e a sa!arv of ¥6000 per annom. Wasbington may veriiy be termed the £1 Dcrado of tbe pro(essional polilieian— Lomion Dnily