Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 22, 12 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Albert S. Willis and Ellis Mills. [ARTICLE]
Albert S. Willis and Ellis Mills.
The ,Vew V. S. Minister and Consul General to Hawaii. [Frx>B> the Brooklrn The appoinlineniH to Hawaii will be geuer*ily recogaized as g.*oi. Albert S. Wiilis is titted for tbe plaee of minister by sbility and previous experience in public iife. A better consul general than Ellis Mīlls could not, on the face of things. have been chosen. By a newspaper training he has cultivated a quick apprehensiou of facts and an nlert sen.se of details and their relatious. He has. bv service as sucreturv of Minister Blount, already aci|uired fainiliarity with the tield. What is more important thau the selections is the policy whieh would have governed any men who had been appointed. These officers go to the Sandwich Islands to represent as at what government they may find in authority there. They do uot go to set up a government or to take charge of atfairs themselves. There has been talk of u protectorate or aunexation. lt is not nccessar\’ to reue\v it now. The discussion is one proP®rly to be taken up and determined by the people of Hawaii and they have yet to be beard from ou the subject. Whether as an abstract question the United 8tates want the 8andwieh Islands or wouhl be nrofited by their possesiou, or not, it is enough for tbe present to remomber this: In existiug circumrftances the acquisition could be accomplisbed by the Union in only ono of two ways—by force or war; by intrigue. Neither of these will be tolerated by the «dministration of the Union, and in this it nnquestionably reprosonts tLe people. The practical course will be to let tho Hawaiians s“ttle the matter for them8elvos aud for the Lnitod States to do nothing one way or the other unless some authoritative pn»posal shall be made to thero. A like practical policy will govern the accre\liting of the new officers. Thev will adress them-
selves to the existing government. It must be a government de faot‘>, not a governmeut de jore. That is. one whieh the people imroediately concerned have established as a matter of fact. not one whieh somebody else. not a Sandwieh Islsnder, m\y ihink oaeht to bc set up &s a matter of right. Tbe large baoy broaght down from tbe Hamakaa coast last week, was retarued by the schooner Ka Moi to-day. ‘ A feeling of emptiness nnder the wai$tband,' is more conducive of goo<l bealtb anJ soand $en$e, than is *'a fuiln* , ss of the head,'* or the **tired feeling” experiencetl after several visits to the corner saloons. Ai the election ot 5ynodsmen held last night. as stated by us yesierdav, the following gentiemen w«re daly elect*xl as soch to represent the Cathedral Congregation for the next tenn of fonr years: Messrs. E. Stiles. Solomoo Meheola and Wīlliam H. Wrigbt. Tbe Synod will meet some time in December of the present year.