Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 22, 12 October 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Briog haek th«t hottle. 8ay Johnsing; whcre's th*t **8arplus.” Who represents the Charch from Lahaina? Ihe sohooner Hnleakala sails for Fauniugs lalaml this afternoon. The Coanoils are sitting this afternoon. Hope thev will dnd that 8arpla».*’ The laat qamrter's hnaneial exhibit. from the Hawaiian Treasuiy. has lx?©n pubii$hesl —-Cowments, Iater on. Water Saperintendent Brown mvs he bas never tasled b«tter water aml oogbt to l>e i good jodge.—Sf«r, Oct 11. We onder$tand. that Mr. Browu bas in$titat«xl proceedings for lihe) against the Star. The ea»e will perhaps eome op at the next coart term.