Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 21, 11 October 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The follow »ns» |>>tssengers •>- j r»te<l by tbe «teamer Kinau tkie morning, frora the Volcano: T. A. H«rdcastle. Faul Heotcbell. Miss \Ve«rer aud Miss Patten. W«y |>orts: Pms. S. B Dole. R A. Lvraan. Jmlge H«t>«i. A B. Lol>enste»u. L. SeverHuce, E- M.Lee. Mrs Pet«rs «ml cht!d, Miss Schiaegeter. C. MoLennau. F. L Winter, C. E. Kempster, Mrs. K. Wallaee. W. R. Castle. S- K. Kane. Mrs. lgnacio aud 3 cbiidren. Tora McTeigbe. W. A. Bailev. O. Araand<eu. J M Oat L. C. Kennetly aad 90 deck pas••ngere. Cargo: 135 sheep G. W. Maefarlaue * Co., 12 halea wool H. Hackfe!d %k Co., 317 bags spods Sondry. 10 bags corn Sundn-, 900 pkgs saudries Sondn-. Tbe st«a»ner AoaUalia U>ok her departare for San Francisco, at ooon to-day. K& l