Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 21, 11 October 1893 — OH! JACK. [ARTICLE]

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The most *’thing tbiug" of the season is a new drink whioh first made its appe;irance in New York abont a year ago. It is situply a mint eoniial, bat as you value yonr social standing don't eall it snch. Call it creme de menthe, pronoaucing the first word “cr.»me" (rhyming with frame)and the last“mant ’ (rhyming with the Englishman’scan’t.) Now yon have it. Now yon may order it without losing ca.ste at the Pier. Tbe waiter will bring you a tiny wine glass, packed full of cracked iee, into whieh he’ll ponr—in your presence, so that yon may see that it is the imported article—as mueh of that beautiful green colored liquid as is requiml to £11 the iuterstices of the iee. If the iee has been packed in firmly. a r.»pid e>-aporation ensues, and the liquor heeomo. s!ightly frappe. making a most delicions , draught. whieh must be sipjied very slowlv and very daintily. Do ladies drink creme de menthe? Well, I should smile! Creme de menthe partios are the very “thing tbing.” The p«rty ' take seats at a table on the veranda, and the divīn« Iiquid is served as I h*ve describe«l. The delicious odor of the mint fills the air as the drinkers discoss fashions, fo:bies and faiblesses. It s immense. i assnre you. and tbe beaaiy of it all is tbat this creme de menīhe Ls a s|>Iendid ! tonio and digestive. Tba best j time to drink it i» after eating. | •fter tho hlaek cotfee. The , ladies adore creme de mentbe not <>nly on aeeonnl of tis delicious!y ionie and cooling eflTects. bnt for anotber rcason. whieh I must whisper. lt’s a cnre for \ wind un tbe aiomaeh—a very eommon ai!ment among oui dyapept:c yoong lad'«. and an ailmeut. too. whieh is absoIate(y death to seotiment. and wbicfa bas been tbe means of { breaking otf more eng<gement* tbaa tbe racec>«rse. tbe wine eop or tbe gaming iable. j