Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 21, 11 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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f»fOfral H. F. BEKTELMAXN, OCN rBA‘TOB AXI> BriLDER, 86 King SL, Bell Telephone 107. | CHAS. MOLTENO. -£jr TOS8QELAL ABTIsT, No. 511 Kiog 8treet, Honolalo. H. I. Gire me a trial. M. LOSE, Notary Hublic. Colkct"r and Gcneral Bu*ine*s Agen(. Matnal Telvphooe P. O. Uoi 33S. Mercluut htrwt, Honolaie. Theo. P. SEvfai.\. A.W. BoL»not. ALOHA GALLERY .'»13 Fort Str*bi. lIo.xos.rLC. (rp-»tairs.l Portraits& Landscapes K.n -st Col!e«-tiou of llawaLan Vk w>. P. O. Box 4». ESTABLI8HED A. D. lS6a. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! iT3 A. Iv K H Y amd IceCream ParIors F. HOKN, PROpaneroR. PRACTICAL Conii*dioinM’ i Omaienlei' la all hmnehe* ot the basin<s« on these isK:n>is. AMEKICAN. FBEXCH, ENGLISH a\p GEP»MAN PASTIUES MADE TO ORDEK. Wed(lino; and Birth-day o CAKES | Made of tbe very l»est nmlenal, i uusorjmssed iu ricbncsa of qaa!i- | ty an<l onumeatediD auapproacb1 able style. at lower prices tbfin I any otber esiablishuieDt iu HoI nolulu. Familij £jrahan} Fancy Bread, Gu:iva Je!ly, Pre»erved Tamarinds and Tamarind Syrop. ALLCONFECTIONERV Manufactured at my £stablishrr.ent are Ouar*ntec>l t > be PosmvtXT Frur «ad «oM ai priees no otber estab)isbraent ean eompeie with. FACT0RY & ST0RE N'o. T1 Hotel Stseet, Betvees Nuuana and Furt BOTH TEL£PBOKFS So. 7L