Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 21, 11 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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SANS SOUCi H01 WAIKIKI, UONOL0LI Filst-Cl»ss Accommj'Klati"ii Toonsts an«I Isianii SUPERI0R BATH!HG FACIUTi. Private Cottages for Farr. T. A SIMPSON oct‘J Muoa^ W. S. LUC 3 3 3 > 5 ” AVme and Spi Merchant Vampi*Tl Firt-proof m>tck MEKCHANT ST. HONOL HO YEN KEE & CO. Tinsmitbs and dealera in C erv ware, Glasswaro, etc Watcr Pipcs Laid and Rcpa Plnmhinp Xeatlr Emut»d. No. 41 Nuaann St., betwc Kinpj and Hotel Streets _ _ Aseu Bnildinp. FAT BOY.” BAY SAL0t r. McINEEKY, FRorRiKroR. : Fine Liquors. Wines and E Corxih Betku, axi> Hom Sts l Tmk>. P. Severiv. A. W. Boun HAWAIIAN OALLEI A67 Knuxe Sthekt, Hoxoi.ru (Oppo. Qne«n Emoia Hail;. Yiews of the Ish« ConsUntly on Haiid. «aeh aa S*tir«i Makin# Poi, Gn«« H HnUhnla D»no*r», Cooc«nnt fī Slre«t Views and lUwaiian Strle li Bnil.i;u)r4, P*Itn ami Date G 'V»r Vc«*eU, Shtpping «n.i Mahne View*. AUo, a Laige of al) Pr >nj and Ioterestiag Vieva of »he Harai l«landa eitb«r ni >nnted or anmonnlal. Amatenr Work S«iiciled. P.O. Bot CITY MEAT MARK Oppo. Qaeen Enima Hall. £stablisheil l 1 JOS. TINKER.