Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 21, 11 October 1893 — A RELIGIOUS WARFARE! [ARTICLE]

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A propo«ed Haw«iiaa we<iding, that was to have taken plaee l»et Moūday evening. failed to materia]izē. The r*>ason was a difiereace of religioos opinions afuong>t the coutracting parties, tbe young woa!d-be bride being i Congregationalist, aod the woold-be grooaa h Romunist. The pig for thj occasion was eooked aad all the eabtblee were ready, and were all finally diflp<>se«l of, bat the contractiag parties woaid not agree as to what denomiuati>n sboald tie the uuptial knot. So. now. the raarriage is off, an«l the eatables for the Inau goae' Now, where is tfco baby to hel