Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 20, 10 October 1893 — The Yacht Valkyrie has a Trial Spin. [ARTICLE]

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The Yacht Valkyrie has a Trial Spin.

Nrw \*ORK. S«t>tenaber 2S.— The lonp Inoked-for trinl spin of tho Valkvrie took plaoe to-day, and for the tirst time since she roached American vaten yacbtsmen had a ehanee to pnage the of Lonl Dnnr.tren’s cutter; aiul while the ir ; nd was lipht aud variable, the penerai eonsensus of opioion seemed to be that the Valkyrie will prove a danpcrous customer in Hphl winds. As far as coo!d be seen sho is I not in it wīth the Vigilant ou driftinp. and while this particular brancb of s»ilinp is not Hkely to cut mueh of a figure in an out- ' side race, still it m*y prove a factor iu a Iipbt vind. App*rently no attempt iras made to speed the V*lkyrie at any time durinp the day. but ' she pot a pood capful durinp aome of tho puti’s. and seeme»i k> get a great move on her whenever ber helm$man let her havo a ehanee, whieh was uot ofton.