Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 20, 10 October 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The sto«mer Anstralia sails for San Francisco at 12 noon, tomorrow. Fifty-one p«ssonners are booked to go by the st?aiuer Australla to-morrow As we go to pres«. we loarn that the body of nnfortunate Makaio, has boen fonmi otf tbe sea-vall. Tbo steamer Clandine, leaves for Mani on!y. «t 5 pm. tomor.’ow; anJ the steimer Waialeale for Lahaina anJ Hawaii at 12 noon. Tbe OouneiU met in EvtraSosaion yesterd«y to appr priaU? $1.500. tow«rvi< the e\pense of di«{>«tohing th« ste«mer An-tra-lia to Sau Francisco to-mom>w. The Hawaiian N«tional Band pives another of iU apprecialive c •t-eerU at the Hawaiian Hotei th:s evemng. Tbe mosicales girro by the«e mosioians. are aiways looked forwa*d to wiih p!easare.