Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 20, 10 ʻOkakopa 1893 — "Old Lady" Cartwright. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"Old Lady" Cartwright.

“01(1 ImI}’’’ Cartwrigbt. by tbat narue she bas been known at her intiiaate fiiends for tho last few years, diod last evening at about 9:30 o’olook. Mrs. Cartwright had been a reaident of these islands for over 40 years, and is the relict of the lato Alexander J. Curtwright. Mrs. Cartwright had many frionds, to whom sho was very ranch eu<learod. Tho«chool children of from twenty to thirty years ago, who were acqnainted with the f.imily, and now grown np, aomo of thera with families of their own, will alwavs romeinber “Mothor'’ Cartwright; as by that name sho was called by the children of that day. She wus indeed, as kmd as a mother to them. Her two aons Bruco and Alexander survivo her, aml to whom we exteud our sympathios. The funeral will take plaee this afternoou frotn the “homestead” cornor of Beretama and Alakea stroets