Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 20, 10 October 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
“FAT BOY.’ BAY 8AL00N I P. JI. nfERST, F»or»irrtm, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Cok>ck Bkthu. AMi Hotxl Sts. H. MAY & C0., Tea Dea)ers, Coffee Roasters & Provi»ion Merchant» 98 Fort Street. - Honolola Families, Plantations aml Shi}'s supplied witb ehoicest Eu ropta n il' .1 merica n G-roctnes California Pnnluee by Every Steamer. Theo. P. Sevekix. A. W. Eol.«ter. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, 467 XrrAxr ?trect, Honoleli - . (Oppo. Onwu Emnu Hallu Views ot* the T.slaiicl Constantlv on Haud, snch as N»tives Making Poi. Gn*-s Houxs Hulahnla Dauccrs. Cocoanut Groves Strcct Views and Hawaiian •■tyle Riding Buildings, Palm and Date Groves \Var Vessels, Shipping aud Mahue Views. Also, a l.arge CoUeotion of all Proniinent and Interesting Views of the Hawaiian Islands cither mounted or nnmonnted. Amatenr Work S*licited. P.O. Boi 49S. CITY MEAT MARKET Opik». Oueen Emma Hall, Est:iblishetl 1883. J0S. TINKER, FAMILT ®J3BUTCHER Makerofthe Cdtbrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby The.m. Meat Deliveretl to Any Part of the City aml Suburbs. Mntual Telephone Nuraber 289. WIN6 WO TAI & Co.. Xo. '214 Xuoana Street, COMMlSSlON MEHCHANTS. Impott»n and I»ealer» in Gty L HSBCHA XD1SE. Fine Manila Cigars. Chiuese and Jaj>anese Crock’rvw«re.Mattings. Vases of all km<Vs. Camphorwood Tmnks. RatUn Chaii*. » Pme Assortment of llress Silks, Iiest Brands of Chioe.se and Jap»neso Te*s of Latest Imi»ort »tions. Insj>ection of New t»»»* , 'ls lu'* sp©ctfullv Solicited. Mutoal Tel. 266 P. O. Box 158. WING WO C0., Mao\if*cturers and De*lers iu Ladies’. Gents’ A Children’« No. 35. |A{ Honolalu. Nuuana O. Box 198 Boots ami Shoes made to order in Best Style. «I Wholeaale &ud Kelail Pricesw