Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 20, 10 October 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
j(nsurantf 3lotiff$. MAKINE INSUH.ANCE, The Usder>i«nbd is authorizvtl to take Marine Risks -oxHulls, Cartroes, Freighfc? and Commissions, at Cum nt Rates in the following Companies. viz: Allianee Assurunce Fire $ Marine, - London Wilhelma of Madgehur$ Gen'l. Ins. Co. Sun Insurance Co., - - San Francisco .1. WALKEK, Asrent tor Hawaiian Islands Telephosf.s : Bell 351. Mctual 417. Residexce ; Mutual 410. P.O. Box 117. E. B.THOMAS, Contractof 3uilder 111)1 ) on All lvintls 0F lli. IHH\ 151*1't\ liHLIIM All Kinds of Jobbing in Buiiding Tradc, Attcnded to. KEE l J S l’OR S ALE : i iiue, Cenient, Irou Stone Pif>e ;»ntl F.ttings, (>ld »V Ne» Corrug;te«l ltvn. Minton Tiies, Quarrv Ti’e<, «ssortetl s:/es hiu! co'ors; C»lifoinia aiul Monterey Saml. Gr.»nite Curl>iug aml Blocks. etc., etc. t' Corner King d\ Smith Sts. OFFICE <51 YARD: Officc Hours. 8touM., f xto4P. M. Holomua •> Publishing ♦ Co.. PUBLISHERS 0F THE “HAWAII • * HOLOMIA,” V Journal issmMl l>«il^*, (8aod y excepte«l ) In the Euglish I«ng»>age aml ple*lg«*vl sn j«olicy to snpport 4l© IllOHTS >M> PBWlMt.KS of tūe lilIUUK Pkoplk, the nterests the l«bov*Dg men. »nd g “«1 »nd honest Governjo<>ut for the *b le co<iutrv. .!<>!? P1UXTER8 AU Ikn>Ks aml Job Pi.rvnxc neatly «XM&ted .0 shori nolie® anti at ino«lerate figures. BILL HEA1)S. CARDS. LETTER UEAI»S. POSTERS. ete., Fin >Ueil ,u i dyl6. l«lnnd Ordcm *olicite«l *ud prv«uptly utt«cded to. Omii: Tbo«:«s Bl»ck. Kme Stnwt. Honolniu, H. L