Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 20, 10 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
6rorral M. LOSE, Notary I^uhlie. Collector and Gcneral Business Agr*t. Mctn*I T*Wpbooe S. P. O. Boi 3SS Morchan$ Hoaolniu. Thso P. Srni». A W. Poum. ALOHA GALLERY 513 Foxr Stmct. Ho.\OLrLr. (Up-«tsiis.) Portraits& Landscapes Fine«t of Hnwaiun V»*ws. P. O. Box 4as. Elias Kaululaau Wright DEXTIST.^S Corntr ot King and Betbel 8t«.. ri«Unrv, Enlmnoe on King Street. Office HorRs—From 0 a.m. to 12 m.. 1to 4 p.m. S<£“ Sund*ys excepteiL ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! .BAKK1{Ya«d IceCream Parlors F. HORN. Pboprietor. PRACTICAL CoDfedionep 4 Ornamenter In ill branrbes of tbe bQsines8 on these tslinds. AMERICAN, FRENCH. ENGLISH axd GERMAN PA8TR1ES MADE TO ORDER. \Vedcling and Birth-day o J CAKES M8tle of tbe rerr best tnaterial. nnsorpasseti in ricbness of qaality and oruamented in an*pproach* able style. at lower prices tban any othor establishmcnt in Honolnln. Family ({pahan) \ FanciJ Bpead, Gnara Jelly. ( Preserred Tamarinds and Tamannd Syrop. ALL C0NFECTI0NERY are Mannfactnred at my Establisbment Goarantee<l t** be Pixitite.lt Pcee and sold at prices no o:her esubiishment ean eompele wilh. FACTORY * STORE, No. T1 Hotel Steeft, 6etwees Nonana and Fort Streets BOTH TELEPHO!TES S6. 74.