Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 20, 10 October 1893 — Loss of a Russian Cruiser. [ARTICLE]
Loss of a Russian Cruiser.
St. Petersborg, September 24. —Fragments of woo<lwork. boats aud otber wreckage have flo;iteil asbore in the Gulf of Fioland ( sbowing tbat the Russiau warahip Poasa!ka. with ten oflicers «nd 150 aeamen. has fonndered and that all banda bave been lost. The Poaaalka sailed from Revel. in the Gnlf nf Finland, for Helingsport īn the saae gulf, and has not been heanl from since. The Ponaalka bad 4J inches of annor. carried foar nine-ineh gons. was of 2<VX) tons displacement and faad 736 indicated hon>e-power. She was boilt in 1867. The body of a sailor. >upposed to faave l>elonged to tfae cruiser's crew. faas been wasfaed ashore. It is known that severe gale» swept over tbo**e waien» soon &fter tbe vessel left port- Tfaere ie no donbt, so tfce admiialty state, that tfae Pouaalka haa foondercd