Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 20, 10 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Sared the Cow. [ARTICLE]
Sared the Cow.
CALCTTTA t Septeinl>er 2t'—A religions riot whieh mav have serions conseqnences ocnrred 1 here to-day. A nnmber of Hin- i doos espied a eow being led to the bntcber’s. Thisbeingotfensive { to tbeir religions ideas the Hin- . doos siezed the eow and a lively | row b>llowed. Earopeans bx>k tbe part of the eow and its lead- 1 ers and the Hindoos were leinforced by many of their sym- 1 pathizers. Finallv, when a desperate riot was brewing, an indnential Mohammedan and Hindoo, Jemadar, sncceeded in pacify;ng the crowd and eventaally funds were raised bv tbe Hindoos for tbe purcha.se of the auimal. whieh was led awaj*. The Englishiuen here regard the apparentlv trivial incident as raost siguihcant and likely to have grave results.