Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 19, 9 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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$05isrs$ £ards HARR1S0N BROS., ('O >>TRACTOKS AXD BUlLDSKS. 208 Fort St., Hono’nln. THOMAS UNDSAY Mannfdeturing J«v.yler aiui WaiehmaLm, Block, 405 Fort St.. Honolulu. MERCHANT S EXCHANGE, S. I. SHAAV, PKorRiEt>>R, CH0ICE LIQU0RS anJ FINE BEER , Corner of King and Nununu Sts., Mutoal Tel. 423. Honoluln. G.ff. MACFARLAHE t G0., 1 raporters & Com ra ission MERCHAXTS, Honoluiu, - Huwaiian I>lamls Glub j5tables Go., S. F. GRAHAM, Liverv, Keed and Sale Stablej«, Fort Street, between Hotel and Beretania. Both Tel«phones No. 477 Connect2d wifeh j5fcand, Corner King & Bethel Sts. Both Telephones Xo. 113. , _ Chas. T. Gfulick notary public For the Island of Oahn. Agent to Take Ackno\vledga3ents to Litbor Contrncts. Agent to Graut Marriage Lieenses, Honoluln. Ouhn. Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Pitt & Scorr‘s Freight «nd Pnrcels Exj>ress. Agent for the Borlington Route. Reai Bstate Bml[er and General Agent. Bell Tel. 34S: Mnt. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: Xo. 38 MERCHAXT Street. Honolnlu. H. I. CHOCK LOOK, MERCHAXT TA1L0R. No. 3SI Noumu Stree», ALL SCITS GUARASTKED T0 FIT , awi MADE in BESTSTYLE. CLOTHE> OLEANEl) axd REPAIRED. Wing Mow Chan, IJCPOH1TRS AND Commission Merchants DEALERS IN China and iapan Tea. Provisions. Maniia Cigars. GROCERIES. SILKS, MATTING. Camphor Wood Tmnks, Ratlan Chaiis. ettf.. eie. 304 King St. Houololn. P. O. Box No. 1SD. Malual Tel. No. 78.