Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 19, 9 October 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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:Xnsurancc *lcticc5. MAEINE I1TSUEAN0E. Tnt UxDERM‘iNti» i.-* auth 'rizcd to take ilariue Risks ON H ulLs, Carg:oes, and C ’oinmissions, »t Curr**iit 1 tates in the fo!lowing Cornpanies, viz; Jūliance Assurnnce Fire Sr Marine t - Lomlon MWielnui of Madgelmrg Gen’l. Ins. Co. Sun Insurance Co. f - - San Francisco .1. S. WALKEK, A‘_rent tor Hawaiian Tslands TeLEPII0NE8 : lfell 351. Maiunl 417. Rf.3IDENCE : Mntnal 410. P.O. B x 117. E. B. THOMAS, Contractor d 3ui!dcr E2stintates C»ivon <>n All ivincls OF Nn ,vniMi 4 WIIB BliLDlN(!S All Kinds of Jobbini, sn th«. 3u !cir.g 'Iradc, Attendcd to. KEEI J S FOR SALK : Brick, 1 iiue, Oenaent. Irun St<>ne Pi)>e <ml F.ttings, OId ,v New t'orrnc <te«l Iron. Minton Tiles, Uo«rry Ti’es, Hssort*Hl sizes aml co!ors: C lif. iniM m<l Mooterey S:\nd, Granite Cnrbing and Blocks, eto. etc. f Corner King cl Smith Sts. 0FFtCE dl YARD : * Ofhce Hours. 8 to u M.. ( i to 4 P. M. Holomua ♦ Publishino- <• Co., PUBLrSHEPS OF THE “ HAWAII • ♦ HniOMlA; V .īonmal issued |>nil^', {Sund \ » \cc|>ted I |q tho E-pl'mh lnBgn«ge. |*Ie»igcd io poli«T to snpjv>rt iie Kiaars *sp Pnr.vu.KOi' »»? tl»<» IIawahan Peoplk. tbe «teresto « f the l«lK»rmg u;*". »»d gocd s«nd iiorjest Goven»jBor.t for \hv wh *c eountry JOII 1»UL\TEHS ill BoOK8 and Job rrrsT!Nr. neatly cxeroted »1 noiiee and »t in»\lfP>tc tignres. BILL HEAD8. OARDS. LETTER HEADS. FOSTERS. etc.. Fimsbcd in FintCh* stylelsland Onlew. »l»cited a«d |>ro»ptlT »Ue*ded lo. llrriCB : Tboni*s' Hloek. King Stre*t. Hoeoialu. Li. L