Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 19, 9 October 1893 — The Race. [ARTICLE]

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The Race.

We have co(umented editorialiT on the boat race whieh t p!:»ce last Saturday. The result of the race iā well-known—too well-known to the backers of the blue boy«. The event waa uudoubted!y a ninst successful one as far ae interest and attendance waeeoneemed. The very best soc ! ety of Honolalu gathered and took advantage of the accomodatinns whieh the Oahu IlaiIroad Company offfr«l on th:s <>ccii«!i>n. lt wasdecide<llv a friend!y e >ntest. The red of tiie Myrt!ee and the bahy (never miml) blue of the Hea!'>nie, were be»utifu!Iy blended and the enthusi ,sm and good will of everybodv were ; nnbounded. The Oaha Railrond , Company deserves the greate?t j praise and credit for tbe raanner in whieh passengers were carried t to aad froin the raee-coorse and ; Mr. Di!lingham is to l»e eom- I plimented for the eourtesy an<l geui;«l inanuer in whieh he |»*r- ' sonally <uperintends ali the : arn«ngement8 j>ertaining to his road. We regret to feel obliged i to meniion a reraark passed by a higb railroa<l official whieh was i overheard bv » uumber of onr leading people and created some ill-feeliug. Tiie railroad olHeial in qnestion asked a well knowo cit:z«*n "how be eame out. ” ; He was told that the gentle man t • wh<*m the qnestiou was pnt *‘got bnsted” hsving backed the Healanis. The railroad man then expressed himseif soraewhat like ‘'weil if voa are i ‘bnste<l.‘ yon are where I goess Ihe Healaui Boat Club is now/’ i Natur»llv resenting such an onwarrenteti slar on tbe Boat Clnb. the geut!eman. who lost hls money on the Healanis. simpiv ' answered: W«U, if the Boat Ciab 13 basted. it is about where the Oahn Raiiroad Com- | panv i» now.” Now. we wonld * not have meotioned tb»s iilile in- I cident if it was not. tbat we are aware tbat Mr. Dillingham personallv wonld be very mneh dis- j pleasei! by baving auy of !

his emplovees act like cads aud making the comp.iny 3uoopular. Mr. DiIHtigham hae deroted his «nergy, hi» time *nd h;9 hard eirned m<>ney to anke theRailroad a *ucces«, »nd we are sure that be does"ot des’re U - » malee enemie», bnt on’r frie:tds f>r h < enterprise. For th*t r>.i» n w*» repeat the discnorteous a» t t»f h s employee Ererybody ei»Jored lh«u.8-»lres. Everrbody had a trxvl tiroeEverything wes aa pcrfect :is eonM de>ired. Be»r wss - >!<J ;n ■ e thsu one plaee, br.t yet the M.n»sh il who was around did i>ot s, e fit lo eail the pla-'e a d;#.»nie v pi: ee and pull the otr-ndfrs Tie Marshal saves hss odi • t' strength for snch plaeea as S,m> Souci. “After the mee ns over. tbe Healanis bad a goo«l time at the Hawaiian Hot •! wbere they were met bv niuny «>f their“red ’ friends. The M\rtle crew staid at Pearl Citv till yt >- terdav, when they eaiue np and ce!ebrated in a wjtggonette aml 1 a Myrtlo t!ag. Uetting was verv * slow. A prorament Myrtle man had a $3.000 eheek in his pocket ready to back his club. lie did not cash it, He stood the wine though for the defeate«l boys aftenrards as a sign of hi> !ib< i - alitv, broad mind— auddo. lauds. A prorainent backer of the Healanis bas furnished ns with ‘247 reasons why tliey lost. Space f*»rj bids ns to publisli theni to-di*y. ! T»ken as a whole it was a grand aml snccessfnl atfair, .nd w t > hop- that the “bovs“ won't allow a whole year to go bv 1hj j fore we see thein ag.»in batt!ing for the championsbip. P. S. Tbe kahunaa say that it serves the Healani bovs right, Tbey gavethem Maru Brizor<l and Roger, best brandy from Seaborn Laee’s store instead of the ordinarv Rooster Brandy to wliieli the ! Akun* are used.