Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 19, 9 October 1893 — Diamond Cuts Diamond. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Diamond Cuts Diamond.

{Masaiag Wot<i Co»tc«t.)

Jack {A I'uuaoa'i » offtniJ to «07 oaē c*tcLing the t>UAMa£ hek ] In the Honse of Kepresentatives. Septkmber 15, 1893. Reftrred to the Com m itice on Foreign A f}'airs and ordered t>> be printed. Mr. MoCreart intioJuced thv* followinjr Bill : To revive aiul »rnend and e\tend the act <>f Congress of Angust 15th, 1876, to encoorage and promote telegrnphic eommnnicatione between A:nerica aiul Asia, across tbe Pacific Oeean, from the western shores of the United 8tates to the Hawaiian Islamls, to Japan and China. Whereas on the 15th dav of Augnst, 1876. Iho Congress of the l nited States passed »n aot granting to Celso Ciesar Morono and iis associates the right to constrnct, l«y, Iand, «ud maintain a line or liues of telegraph or submarine eahle or cables on the Paeihe co.ist of the United Stutes of America to connect the Amenean aud Aaiaiie ooasts bv telegrnphic lines, wires, or sabmarine cables; and Whereas several of the associates mentioued in said act are now dead, and certaiu others, frora othcr caus«s, are unabl<> to act in the revival of this eutcrprise: The»tjfore, He it enacted by thr Sena/e and Hou« o/ Representatives u/ the iniltd S1alt* 0/ America in Con;fress a*ssembled, lhat Ceiso Ca*sar Morcno and his nssociates shall havo the right to constmct, lay, land, and maintain a line or lmos of telegraph or subwarine cable or cables on the Pacific coast of the l nited States of Ameriea t0 connect the Americau and Asiatic coasts bv telegraph lines, wires. or submarine cables: Provided, That said C.C. Morenoan<l bisassocintes shall begin to lay sai<l cable or cables witbin five years from the passage of this aet. Sec, 2. That any telegraph line or cable lnid by said C. C. M<»reno tuid his associates shall l>e subject k» tbe following conditions. stipulations. and n*senrations. to wit: The Governraent of the United States shall be entitled to eiercise and enjoy the same or similar pnvileges with regard to the control and nse of sncb line or Iines or oable or cables that may, by law, agreemeut. or otherwi.se. be exercised and enjoyed by any foreign government whatever: «eeomih'. eittxens of the United 8tates ( »hail eujoy the s*me pnrileges | a* to the paymeut of rates for i tbe transmission of me$sages 1 as are enjored by the eitixens ( of tbe most f*rored n*tiocs. i thirdly. the !ransmission of ' dispaichea sha!l be m»de in ]

the following oxder: First, * dispatcbes of >tate, noder saoh rego!atioas as may be agreed apon by the goreniments interested; eeooodiy, dispatches on telegrapbic serrīce; antl. thirdly; private di>patches; fonrthly, the līnes of anv sach c<tb!es shall be kept open to the public for the daily tr.ins- j mission of market and eommercial reports and intelligence, aml all messages, dis- i p»«tches. and commnnications ; shall be fortrarded in the onl -r in whieh they are recoived, e\cept ashereinafter prorided; | fifthlv, before extending and establishing any snch lina or lines or cab!e or cables in or i overanvwaters, reefs. islands. shores. and lands wīthin the jarisdiction of the rnited States a written accei»tauce of the terms and conditions imposed by this act shall be filed in the oflice of the Secretan.' of State by the said C. C. Moreno and his associates. Sec. 3. Thut nothing in this act shall be construed to limit the United States in granting to other persons or cotnpanies similar pnvileges herein eontained, Sec. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act. at anv time, is hereby reserved to Congress.