Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 19, 9 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Iho foUowiug passo!igt*rs nrri\oU in tho oit\ y*‘stertij«v. fro'm S«n Francisco, per bktne. S. X, C astle, Mrs. Leaeh. From Puget Sonn-l, |>er schr. Hol»ert Lewers, Mr. \\ iIlĪAiuson «nd wife. Froui K.mai. per stinr. Iwalani. Mr. anU Mt> DougUs. Mr. Scott Mr. Simpkins, C«pUm H. W. Mist I' Perreim. A Atkinson. Mr. hiuI Mrsr Xewconibe, Mr. Homeste;ui H S. Gjenlnira, Ah K wai. I ■nd 42 on deck. The stea,ner Austn»Iin Ieare8 for S»n Pnnoiaeo ou Wednes,lay. instead of on S*tnrday. this week. The steamers IwaUni. Kaala. M aiwieale, Mikahala, Hawaii. J»mes Makee and Mokolii are uj> to Ieave for tkeir respective |K*rts, to-iuorrow. George M»k«u . wpil known to thr ewUmpn of Me#?rf H. Mar * C 4 ‘ • »» a polile and obliging dn\rr of i<m of tha( linn* delirery w«g<Tia. wap accidentir drowned near Kakaakoye#ler>Uy atternoon. He juuijwd īiiio liw b*y U» r»-«co« hī» n*t whtclt bad bK<«n o£fhi« he»d. * 7< - A.