Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — Who will be the Chamoions? [ARTICLE]

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Who will be the Chamoions?

This barning qaestton will be <lecide<l thi» aiiemoon when the * Healauis aud Myrtles maLe their linal spurt on the home-stretch. Both crews sttnd good chances of winniug the day and l>«ttiug ooght to be even. The backers of the Myrtles hare heretofore «sked for ckK1s. aod conseqoently there ha* beeu very little betting as the haeken» of tbe Healani s dun’t see where tbeir crew has got nny advantagc whieh couId jostifv them in giving odds. The Myrtles have a newer and pre?nmably better bo»t thau the Healani.s, and several of the latter’s crew have been under the weather and traiued ander difliculties. However, it will be a fair and good race, and it has created more interest in the eommuuity tuan any similar eveut has, since the gooti old times wheu boat rowing and yachting wore the <nost popular sports in Honolulu. An immense crowd will go down to Pearl Harbor this afteruoon. Tbe Oahu R nlroad Compauy wiiieh has always encouraged *‘the boys’’ will run two apeeial train.s. The first will leave the Honolulu I)epot atl:45, and the second at 3:05. The fare for the round-trip is only 50 cents, so theie is no exouse for anybody to stay away. Tbe Haml will be in attendance and enliven the day with select muaie, and everythiug will be done to make a great success of the day. The kahunas will be on haml working for the Hea1anis, and we presume that the Myrtles will hire Sereno Bishop to eouatemct their inAnenee. Red is the color of tbe Myrtles aml “baby-blue” of the Healanis (this we understand though is no reflection on the boys). The usual whoop-it-up will take plaee “after the race is over” when the competing clubs will sbake hauds aud “talk it all over.” The Healani eup holds 13 quarts of Champagne when it is full. How mueh the boys hold we have never beon able to Iearn. Tmins will return to Honolnlu iramediately after the finish of the mee.