Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — Wanted Cleveland's Chair. [ARTICLE]
Wanted Cleveland's Chair.
Ths Tlmely Appearan2e cf an Officer. Mvstcrioas Appearance of the Intrnder iu the Executivo Mansion —A Stroggle with tbe Poiieemen at the Match-Box— Ris Repeated Deraands for a Pistol —The Crank to l»e Sent to an A*ylnm. WasHOMITOK, Sej.teiul»ir 28.— A dangen»us louatic who had tlesigns ou tbe Presitient'« life ©nteretl the White Hoase by stealth tbis morning an«l was making for the npper storv. whero Mr Clevelaod‘s ofiice i* sitoated, when discoTere<l and placed onder am-st. How lbe īnnatic elndeti the j»oHce »c«l g«*t into tbe baaemcnt of the While House nnootieed is » rayatry. He apj eared to tbe colorcd eook in the bHsomeot. The oid womaa, ilwnu«i at the stranger*s actions. tri*?d k»escape bnl be i»tepped bctween Ler and the d«x>r. Then b» said in & loud, tbre«tening tone. “I want to see father ' The frigbtened eook stararaer e»l. ’■ Who is yoor fatherr’ *‘Mr. of eoorse. Wh v «lo yoo ask »nch a siliy qaestionr* *aīd the straager, becoming enrsgcd. THK COOC PAtVTED. Cook «ank into a ch*ir in a
faint. Tht» souo«l of • strenge I Tt>ice altracted oth«r sen»nts to i tbe kitohen. Th«r. ncticittg the wi)d artions of th« man. roshed > ap»lairs aml cali«sl a polieeman. Tbe stranger si*rt«ti ap th« stair- ! vay and was met br Polieemao Helier. He saw at a glance tbat > he h«(l to iloal witb a lanatic. ■ The stranger soowle\l whea tbe f ortu*er step|>ed up to Lim. bat tbo aeowl disappeared when the » poiieemin «id: ** Yoar f»ther is ont in tbe gardeu. Ct»me with 1 me and we will fiud him.' ' The innaiie hesitated a momont f aud then whispeml: ' Yoo know I want faiher to give rae the Pre- ' sidentia! ch*ir.” “He‘11 gire it to yoo. of conrse,*' replied the oflloer, as he started-with the inuaiie toward the door. “He dun‘t oae it anv more. It’s np in tbe g:irrett.” Ofttcernnd lnn.atic.arm inann, \valkod out of tlie main door and down towanl the |v>lice eall l>ox wbere Officer Hib!e waa stationed. A DF.SPEK.\TF. STKrOOI.F. When the Hihle he grabbed a clackjack from Hihle’a poekei befuro the latter eouhl prevent him, and a >b‘s|>or,»te strnggle followed. The innalie was hually lifted into the pratrol waggon and taken to the m»arest station-house. On his way he wns asktni what he wanted in tho White House. The man replie«l sollenIy: “I wanted that chair. f fcold you that. ’ “What ehair : ” was asked. “Tho Presidentiai chair. ’ “Don’t yon tliink tho President tills it satisfactoryf" asded the officers. “Jio, I don't.” was tbe lunatic’s reply. “And I iutend to get it by fa:r means or fonl. Give os eaeh a pistol and l'll show yon who will get it you.” At the poliee station the louatic gave the name Joseph Washington. He said he was twenty* years old and eume frora Pennsylvania. When he wa* arn»igne«l in the Poliee Coort be pleadcd “not gnilty,” und asked, “From what date am I cbarged'" “From yesterday,’ «nswered tho clerk. A B.\3CBLING UĪAĪEHENĪ. “Then I am not guilly.” “Wby did yoo go to tho White Honael” asked Jodge Kimhall. “To tako it. of coor»e.” “For what?” “Tu uso it aa my own.” “Isyoor homo in Wilmington?” “No. sir.” “Wher« is yonr home?” “I am at hume anywhere." The lunalie w»s committeil. It is probable that be will be seut to the St. EHzabvth Asylnm in W.«sLington. Ho is the third crank who bas visited the White Hoiwe since Mr. Clereland was inaoganitcd.
T»a» the «nart boy doiog the t*lkiDg. Who o! ieveivnce bad * laek — •‘II mo»t h»re be«n »)ippery walking When tbe pro«ligul eon went back." . “ AnJ why wa< it »lipperv walkiog?'* Bnt the ia«rt boy vm »tiil on deck—- “ We «e iold wheu hw (atber sa« btm Tbat the old man (ell on his neek. Jvtige.