Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — Mr. T. H. Davies in Washington [ARTICLE]
Mr. T. H. Davies in Washington
Washinoton. Sept, 28, —Theo. II. l>anes, abig Eng!ish H*waiinn *ugar iilanter, nrrived her- t» u ght fr»m England »n his w.i v to Hon»Inln. Davie» is here to ise what influence he p«>s«>s6e8 to pr»mote a “h*nds-ofT’ policy relative to Hnwaii. He adv»>CHtf8 submilting the whole qucstion t*> a vote electorate and snys he has no d»uht th«t if the people on the islands had a ehanee to express tbeir wiil they would v>>le f«>r an indepen>lent G »vemmenl and tbe rertoration <>f the Queen. He issued a long address to the Hawaiinn |>eople appealing to the.u to c-ntinue the fight for indej>endence against the foreign 5ntersts arraytd ag*iust them.