Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — HAWAIIAN CABLE [ARTICLE]
Favorable Ouliook fbr the Conatmction of ths Needed Telelffraph Liae. The subject of a cab!e Une frc m | Califoroia to tbe ilawaiian Islan<la » likeh- to be seriou>Iv eon sidereil bv tbc present Congr«e3 and to attract more attention than beretofore because of tbe I rocentdisooasion of our relations witb tbe is!;inds. Gov. McCreir\-, of Kentooky, 1ihs introdoceil in the Hon.s<> the bill intn.Hlooed bv Senator Morgan in tho last Congress, with tbe omissioo of s».»rao snperflt?ous matter. Gov. MoCreary iatrodced tbe bill at the ro<juost of Gen. Manno, who bas long takon an interest iu the s ibject, aiul intends at an early meoting of tho Hoaso Committeo on Foreign Atfairs to refer it to a sob-com-mittoo for considoration. The bill makes no appropriation from tho United SL»tesTreasun.', but simj*ly auihorize» Celso Cwsar Moreno and his associates to construct and mainiaiu the eahle, ]>rovided it ia done wiihiu five years- The liue is to be subject to a nnnil»er of conditions in favor o( tbe Govornmeut, and tho eijnal right of American citizen.s to the same rates as tho«e enjoyed by citi/ons of the most favore<l naiiona. The thinl section of the act eXclndes the id«a of monoj>oly by j>roviding tliat nothing eoutaine(i in it ahall be coostrnote<i to iimit tbe United Statos in granting to other p©isons or comj.anios aimilar j>rivileges. A bill of this sort, requiring no Govcrnment guarantee or gniut, is probably the only uno whieh has any ehanee in a Doroocratic Congress.
“Is tbak reillv a glass eve r ' saiil Miiu.lo to tbe optician. “Yos, nia am.” How strange! it is not transpirent. How tloes the wear<T »-etIjrouph it' ’ — J*Jge.
Culprit — Yc#, »ah. I tuck «lo ehieken. I was gwine ter mnke somo ehieken-pie, antl 1 tuck do cook-book and reatl «le direcsbuns an«l hit s«v. ‘Take one ehieken.’ Hit «lon t aay bay one ehieken. or l»orry one ehiekoo. Hit say take one ehieken. H t don’t say whoeeehiekea ter take,‘ so I je«» tock de f *st one I coa!d lay ban’s on. I fo!lered de direcshuns in de book, sab.”— JuJgr.
I “Dobb« *eems tobe p«rticai»r> i ly b»ppv in his J< m* »tic life.” "Well, yoa see, hi» wife beIongs to a <lozen orgaaizations cf onv k nJ or otber »a<i be docso'l see ber rerr often.”— Judgr, I
TeU*tope ' “Step rigbt op, )adies «nd gents. aml view ibe pUnet H«rs. Fire cente, mom.” Oid ladjf —“Oh. law»; h«in‘t it round and slimy *** Tde$cope fakir —“Will tbe beilheaded gent plea.se step aw«y from in front of tbe inatrom«i>tf * l — Jndg*.