Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
DR. MeLENNAN, 131 Fort Stre«t Offlo- Hoan: » A.M. lo 12 M.; 3t»5 P M. (HE.e T*L 6&J-McTVAi.-P-«<ideno» T«l. 2S7. “FAT BOY." 8AL00N I P. HrIKEBNT, Pnonuima, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Cor>ek BrrM*L avd Ilona Sis. CHAS. MOLTEXO. -nr TOSSORIAL ARTIST, No. 511 Kinp Street. Honolaln, H. I. Give uie a triul. Thko. P. Ssveriv A.W. Eoum. HAWAIIAN GALLERY. 467 Nccaxc Stk«ct, HoNOLne, iOppo. Qneen En.o:i Halii. Vie\vs of* tlie Island Const«u*.ly on Hand, socli »s Nadres Makmg Poi, GTass Housts Hulaliula Daucers, Ooooanul Gn>ves Street Views aml Hawauan Style Ridiug BuiMiugs, Palni aml Date Groves War Vesseis, Shipping «nd Maiiue Views. Also, a Large Collection of all Promineut aml Interesting Views oi the Hawaiian Islauds eitber niouuted or nmnonnted. Amatear Work S*licited. P.O. Box 49S. CITY MEAT MARKET Oppo. Queen Emma Hall. Estvblished 1883. JOS. TINKER, FAMILY 53 BUTCHER }falcer ofthe Cekhrakd Cambridge Pork Sat!sage ! Tey Theji. Meat Del ivered to Any Part o! the Citv and Sulmrbs. Mutnal Telephone Number 289. WING WO TAI & Co.. No. 214 Nuuann Street, COMM1SSION MERCHANTS, Ituj«>rters aud Deaicrs in (fh\\ L MERCHA XDIS£. Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese and Japanese Crock‘rvware, Vases o( all kmds. Camphorw(H>d Trunks. Rattan Chairs. a Ftne ArsSortment of Drees £i!ks, Bt*st Ltrands of Chinese and Japaneso Teas of Latest linportations. luspection of New Goods Resji©ctfallv Solicited. Mntual Tel. 2tk», P. 0. Box 158. WING WO & C0.. Maao(actnrei> and Dealer» io Ladies . Genis' A Cbildren s No. 35. g£| Honolula. Nuuana Street»pi.P. O. Box 1W Boots and Shoes m»de io order in Best Stvle. at Wholeaaie and ReUil Prices.