Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ifnsuranrf 3lotiff$. MAHIKE INSUEANCE. Ihe UsifK!>!«JN»:i» i' autl:*'rizeJ to take Marine Ki»ks os Mulls, Cai*^roes, and CommissioDS, at Cum*nt iu the fol!owing Oompaniea, viz; HUanee .lssnruiice Fire <V‘ Morine, - Lonāon nihe/ma of Madgeburg Gen f l. Ins. Co. 3un Insurance Co. t - - San Frnncisco .1. S. WALKEK, Agent tor Hawaiian Islands TELErHOS*ES : BeJl 351. Miīlnal 417. REsinEXCE: Mntnal 410. P.O. Box 117. E. B.TH0MAS, Contractor d 8uilder (ōvon on .All Iviuds OF HHI'K. IHON. Ml IWOOOEN BL1LHNGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attcndcd to. KKEPS FOR 8ALE: Brick. I.ime, Cement, lron ?tone Pii'e an»l Fittings, 01.1 A New CorragHte>a Iron. MinUm Tiles, Ti!es, assorted si/es and co’ors; Cdiforni« aud Monterey Sand. Granite Cnrbing and Blocks, etc.. etc. ( Corner King «ft Smith Sts. OFFICE <ft YARD: Office Hours, 8to iaM., ( ito4P. M. Holomua <■ Publishing ♦ Co., PUBLISHERS OF THE “HAWAII» ♦ HOLOMUA," -V .louniul is«notl 1 >«ilv. (Sund» v excep(ed) Ihe English lsngn»ge. and pledged in jx>licv to snpport (io Ric.»m >xi> Pumioe of the Hawaiux Peoeui, the «terests of the I«boring men, »od goo<l and hooest Governat‘ut for tbe wh>-lo countrr. JOB l*in.NTERS Jll Books «nd Job Piuvnxo n»*«tly cxe»'nted ai short notice and *t rotHler»te ligures. BILL HEA1>S. CAKDS. LKTTER 11EADS, POf>TEBS. ete,, Fi» sh«d in First-(3«« style. Isl«nd Or\ler» »nd proni|4ly attended to. &FTICX : Thon'«» Block. Kmg f>treet. r Honolnla, U. 1.