Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CHAS. GIRDLEK Imi>orter aiid Commtsdon Merehaut. | SPBLIJU TIEi J i P. Co*t*‘ M *ch sm> Tlun.l Jotta» Bnwb' Dm» ! BwboarVi Lioeo TJuw«il ] P(*I9 S>*iP. O. Bos 3M. Matoai Tein>U>n. 3» 13 Kaahatb£.na S:r\et. OHEAP FUEL ■ *Vesh Algeroha ( Firewood $9.00 per Cord Dellvered. JNO. F. COLBURX Jt (XV «-.l Im LEWIS & Co M V\ holesale and Retaii Grocers AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH GALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Erery Sun fn«ccisco Steanier. SALT SaL3*ON IX BaRF!EI.S A SF ECIALTY. iii Fort Sl., HokoIuIu. Tel. 2jo. P. O. Box 2<jj. NAĪIONALIR0N W0RKS, Qceex Stbeet, Betwo<?n Alakea k Kiehanl Sts. THE UXDERSIt»XED «re prep*re>l to make ell kin>is o( lrvn Bra>w. Brunzc. Zinc. Tin an>i Leaii Ca*tings. Also a tiener&l Repnir Shoj> for Steam Enitin*«, Ricr Milis Corn M.IU Wat«r Wh«els, WiuJ Mills, etc. Maehinee for the CFe*ning of Coff«*e, C«*tsr Oil*. Be«ns, Kamie, SisaJ, Pineapple Leaeee k otber PibtOW Pl»uts, Ami Paper Sto«k. AUo MaehinM for Extncting Starck from the M*ni >c, Arrow Boot, etc. LV Ail Oniem promptlr atten>ierl to. WHITE, RITMAN €i CO. Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Inroiceof the celebrat<nl JOHN WEILAND EXTRA PALE LAGER BEER, Alko, x Fr.E?u! Lxtoice of California Ovsters foe 0YSTER COCKTAILS L. H. DE£. Proprietor.