Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The band pl*ys at tbe scene of | the boat r»ce tbis afteraoon. W. F. Reyoo1 Js retnrned by the Mikahala after a sbort trii> to ! Wuiluka Maai. I Do not forget the boat race at Pe»rl Harbor this i»fteraoon. Trains will leave at 1 4Ō and 3:05 p.m. H*m.s. H. A. Wklemaiin. »nJ A. S. Cieghorn w:th a purty of gentlemen went«iown to Waianae th!s raorning on the steamer Waialeale. Mr. Paol Nenmiii.n, we are informe«l is to be pr*'soute<l with a ehnimo bv adroiring fellowciti7ens. He is the onlv man in Honolulu who di*ln t know how to get the Miowera off the reef. Another fake gotten up in the A»lvertiser otfloe. Tne royaliste did not expect C*msul-General Mills to arrive to day. Nor did he arrive. The R«v. Deputy Sheriff bas gone to Maui, to assaiue his duties. It is to be hoped tbat he wUl be more successful in his new career Umn he was when ministering tn the chnrch. Tbe “only” Comiingham is invitiug liis friends to eall at the “Anchor to night andTaste the Fridericbsberg Beer, whieh arrived to-tlay aud of whieh he will open a samp)e keg. Don’t all shont at onee! Me learn, that the Atnerican flag whieh has been flying day and night at the residence of an annexntionist, who lives near tbe old base l>al! grounds, for several mouths past, has beeu lowered. It lus not been hoisted for the last three or four tluvs. The Mikahala arrived late last evening. She called srt Mthukona for the purpose of bringīng somo witnesses (rora Kau and Kona to Kohala where the Circuit Court is uow iu session. Two small native boys who had heen couvicted of larcenv at Waiahinn Kan. were bronght down by tbe Mikahala and hande*l ovvr to the poliee. The Anstrslia arrived this mormng from San Fr>mcisco. Several kamaainas retnrned by her, smong the most uotab!e were Hon. E. C. McFarlane. who bas been ou a flying trip to Washington, and Mr. H.F. Haek feld the Russian \ ice-Cousul who has been absent on a pleasnre trip for some time. Mrs. H. F. Hackfeld also retnrned with her j bosbaud. The foliowing pa-wengers »r- | rived by tho stcauer An«tralia 1 tbismorniug. H.M. Gillig. Juhn Giliig acd wife, Frank L. Uager, Cl»y Greeue, E. C. McFarlane. C. H. Clapj>, O. Giib*rt, Mrs. Keeeh. Mis» C. AUip. Ohaa. Gay, '| Mis» E. Gay. Mrs. H. 8. Robic»on. Mvs. L. M*rks. J. F. Haekaod wife. G. E. Thrum aml wife, Mrs. C. W. Ashfo«\), Dr. B. D. Bond and wife. Mrs. 8. Wīlcox, F. Barwick.Miss H. Kīnney. B. K. Abeel and w»fe, C. Hamew«)R Mie MeGrev. Mm. F V*n VI iet, and 35 in steer»ge.