Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 17, 6 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Business Cards H. F. BERTELMANN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. 86 King St., Bell Telephone 107. HARRlSON BROS., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 208 Fort St., Honolulu. THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler and Watchmaker, McInerny Block, 405 Fort St., Honolulu. MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE. S. I. SHAW, PROPRIETOR, CHOICE LIQUORS and FINE BEER, Corner of King and Nuuanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu, G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Importers & Commission MERCHANTS, Honolulu, - Hawaiian Islands Club Stables Co., S. F. GRAHAM, Manager Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Fort Street, between Hotel and Beretania. Both Telephones No. 477 Connected With Hack Stand, Corner King & Bethel Sts. Both Telephones No. 113. H. MAY & CO., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street. - Honolulu Families, Plantations and Ships supplied with choicest European & American Groceries California Produce by Every Steamer. Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses, Honolulu, Oahu. Agent for the Haw'n Islands of PITT & SCOTT'S Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Burlington Route. Real Estate Broker and General Agent. Bell Tel. 848: Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFICE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street, Honolulu, H. I. CHOCK LOOK, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. {illegible} Nuuanu Street, ALL SUITS GUARANTEED TO FIT, and MADE in the BEST STYLE. CLOTHES CLEANED AND REPAIRED.