Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 17, 6 October 1893 — Wave Cycles. [ARTICLE]
Wave Cycles.
— There is a well established theory that crops and prices vary up and down in certain regular cycles of time, and that at recurrent intervals waves of inanity suicide, murder and other manias and maladies pass over the earth. ] To the calm and dispassionate observer, it certainly seems that one of these waves of insanity struck Honolulu last January and is still a prevalent malady. How else can we account for the action of a certain clique of Honolulu’s citizens in rushing to overturn, the settled and peaceful order of society and precipitating a crisis that has paralyzed business, embittered social relation, and foisted a various military despotism upon the people. Dole, Damon, Hatch, Smith, Jones, Thurston, Castle, names that have been honored by King and Queen and Hawaiian people; men who have been respected and distinguished citizens on the Bench, at the Bar, in finance and commerce, suddenly allying themselves with a mob of political banditti hungry for power and the spoils of office. And cui bono? The claim that they wanted “good government" is a base and scandalous lie unworthy the men who, once honored in the land, have by their insane freak,cast a dark shadow of shame over their names that will perforce festoon one of the darkest pages of Hawaiian history. Human government is but frail and weak at its best. Prior to January last, Hawaii’s history was a fairly good record of selfgovernment, married principally by the vicious intrigues of the insolent clique who now set themselves up as the only competent men in Hawaii. Insane gods of a cycle. Is the present despotic oligarchy any better than the late monarchy? Not having been struck by the insane wave, we fail to see it. Let us hope the cycle will soon pass away, dethroned reason resume its sway, and the gods of Justice restore the people’s government, and shame the creatures of the insane cycle, whom we trust will never be afflicted again. T. T.