Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 17, 6 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Band Concert. [ARTICLE]
Band Concert.
The twenty four pieces of the Hawaiian band orchestra, under the leadership of Prof. Berger will give a concert at the Hawaiian Hotel this evening, commencing at 7:20 o’clock. Following is the programe: PART I. 1. March—"Prince Bismarc" . . . . . . Neighr 2. Overture—"The Diadem" . . . . . . Hermna 3. Waltz-"The Gondolas" . . . . . . Dellinger 4. "Second March Medley" . . . . . . Baeg PART II. 5. March—"Count Caprivi" . . . . . . Schultz 6. Fantasia-‘'On the Gulf of Naples" . . . . . . Elienbuhi 7. Waltz—"Artist Life" . . . . . . Strauss 8. Quadrille-"Hawaiian Melodies" . . . . . . Berger "Hawaii Ponoi."