Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 17, 6 ʻOkakopa 1893 — The J.C. Pfluger. [ARTICLE]
The J. C. Pfluger.
The bark, J. C. Pfluger from Bremen, was docked this morning. The vesseI experienced very rough weather off Cape Horn, which lasted twenty-five days. During the heavy weather, two large seas struck the ship, one on either side, aImost simultaneousIy doing a great deal of damage. The starboard bulwark which is of iron, was stove in nearly the whole of its length. The iron stanchions were snapped in two as if made of clay pipe stems. The starboard fore stays became loos ended, which necessitated the rigging up of jury stays made fast to an extra spar on the deck. The head of the foremast was sprung, and to save the topmast, the top gallant and royal masts, and lower topsail yard were sent down on deck. The starboard side of the deck appears to have sagged somewhat. Altogether the vessel has had a rough handling, from the hands of the sea-gods.