Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 October 1893 — Band Concert. [ARTICLE]

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Band Concert.

Prof. lj«rger aod bis orcb«strm will ea(erUin the goeeta of the Hewmiun HoUl and tbe pohlie geoerallv by • enneeii vbicb vfll be given tbiseveoiDg at tbe Hot«l co«nencing at 8:15 o'eloek—The folloving fine moeie vitl be per* fonned: 1. Marrb—“0»s» ...... M *ym 2. Oi*tm--”C**rm*a*ur a. WllB-"D»Ut» *««»• .. IlMMW «. M*toy~"raftav Afc»* Omuim punn 4. Mv»k- , ’TkeT«»ewr Sc<k Ttab 7. «UhMk» 8. QMctrin» MeMiw' - ••••»••» •• ***** .