Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

#>mrat 3tdrrrti$mrst$ 11. LOHE, Notary Kuhlie. C>jiiecior and General Husiuess Agent. Motc*l TelepboM 8. P. O. Box 3SS. i!er-h.mt Hoaoiola. Tuo. P. bx\-ou5. i. W. Boum. ALOHA GU1ERH 51S Ps*T 9t«m». Ho.Hoi.rMa'pua».) Portrafts & Land«capes Pt««al (MMm nt Hmina VIm. P. O. Bos m. Eiias Kaululaau Wrlght f3T DENTIST,^ai Conaer of King aad Betbel 8t*., Upeiaui, EeUaooa oe King Street. Offioe Hours—From 9 a.m. to 12 m.. 1 to 4 p.m. Sondays excepted. ESTADL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factdry! IB A. 1C K K Y amo IceCreamParlors F. HORN, Proprietor. PRACTICAL Confe€tioDer 4 Onuuneōter In all » ranches of tb« ba«BM on theM kland«i. AMERICAN. FRENCH, ENOLISH and OERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER \Vedding and Birth-day CAKES Made of tbe very best material, unsori>a8seti in richne#» o( quality and ornamentedin onapproachahle style. at lower prico» than any other e»>tablu»hment in Honolnln. Family \ Fancy Bread, Ouava Jclly, Pre*ervetl Tamsrinds and Tamannd Syrap ALL CONFECTIONERY M*nufactured at my £stablishment are Goaranteed ti be Po®ttttelt Pi be and *oki prices uo otfaer eatabltsfameni ean eompele with. ' FACTORY tc STORE, No. 71 Hom, 8nxrr, Between Nnuaau aadFort Street-« BOTn TELEPHO>TS So. 74-