Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 ʻOkakopa 1893 — The Sung-pa Outrage. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Sung-pa Outrage.

ThE Ohineae Native p.qK-rs say that th« two ringle.»derH of tho mob that murdered tbe two Swodish M wiouaries at Sung po h>ve l»*-en -*rre»it»*A :»nd sent befere Viceroy CbaBg Ch«itliuig. wlio hn,§ ordet , e»l t!icm t ho in prRoh. < i>endii’g the r ex-»inai«*t »>11, and ni»t.d->d tiio Sw>-dish Consnl at Hnnk >w « f their *rre*t Li Ta»»ta» and s«»me uther «>fficiKl8 » i te>l m t*»e Con«al on tfe lst ui»t. in e «nueelion w!th thematter. lue Con>o! tli"Ught tbat the»“ l»e okM th >n two :»nd Li s»!tl the meniu ens*ody were t* e *etu-»l mnrderen». bnt |i the loeal anthorities wo ld t.*> nsti uct*-»J to *pi>mhend *U ■ •th«.-rs nnplicated and send tbem lt> Hankuw. It ia anid the d»te for >>X!i»tin ng the pn»ners ha» l»e*'ii fii"d.