Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 ʻOkakopa 1893 — THE FRIEND. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The October oumber of tl 9 Friend is out and is tt the uaaal lviag »nd blmck-guaid* ing style whieh hae been chnr> acteristic of the semi-religio> • «heet —The editor eootinaes (O meddie in po!itics snd shows b ■ aainine proclivitiee from first o lsat He of sll men knowe «f conrse ail «bout ihe futare «( Hawaii snd pretenda to be tn rapp>yri wiih le*ding st«teemen in Wsshington. He raiter«t«i the sbsurd statemcnt th*t it • the intention of tho U. 8. *dministration to eatablish a prctectorate orer the preeeot prcmiona! gorernment in Hawaii; 01 oonne he alao elaima to know th«t “there are no ihongbts by tbe Washington statemnen of rewiveingthe mon*rchy,nor to giro any 8ooh extension of salfrage aa would admit the incapable elaases to participation in government” As the old party will wake up and get a snrprise ono of theso days, we don’t take mueh notioe of bis imbecile rsmblings. He attempis next to auswer the open letter of Mr. Theopbilu8 Davie«. and geta all muddled in the attempt. It ie amosing when he in his “nply ss he calls, it mentions Mcsars. Kauhaue, Desba, Josepa and ,Kalua as *the bost of ihe inlelligent and eapahlo men of HawaiL” Anybody knowing the specimens whom bo parades as inteiligent and eapahle. will know how mueh weight an«l importance to plaee on Mr Sereno E. Bisbop's assertions in the Friend. The childish old man also tries to get aftor NordhofT, a joarnaIist, whose boots be i»n't worihy of blackening, and he in ancther plaee quote« Mr. McArthur of the Troy Budget, the gentleman to whom we are indebted for the puhlieaiion of Frank Judd's Ietter. The so ealled Reverend Sereno doean' t print Judd's letter tbough. The aeual amount of goea»p about the palaee hall and other worldly affain» play an important rol«, and take op mueh space in tho Ft»mw1. Aboot religioos roatter. there w of courw? nothing- no raore ia fact, than tbere is true Cbristtanity ia tho beert and mind of the Friend’s editor. If he should change tbe title of his paper and eall it “Tbe Enemy” be wouUl Uke a rery appropr»ate stwp -aod he wou!d baro jnst as n»«ny or as few »ubscribers as ue now enjoy«.