Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 October 1893 — What about Russia? [ARTICLE]
What about Russia?
It m*r be rery tme tbat -‘Im perial Bnssia ts the friend ol Repobiican Amenea," bot it is Q»oet certainly nct 5 aaesticm ol fri«odskip to Amenea that mad« Rossia recognia*“ tbe Havai:an P. O-, more prubably one of aelfinterest, likely to be anytbing bnt agreable to the Americau Govermnent. lu ettect, —it must not be forgotton tbat the governm«-nt here is provisional\* i n the widest sense of the wonl, aud especiallv so uniil l. nele Sam has made op his mind how to settle matters here. Tnis is so troe that no other |>ower has made anv raove towards recognising oor P. Q. but they are all verv properlv
awaiting the decision of tbe American Govemment. The temporary recognition of the P. G. by America, merely as “a defacto temporary admioistration. does not bear at all on the qnestion of Kussia s party actions. T.h©refore it becomes evident thet there mnst be some hidden motive to Kussia’s recog* nition of the present “Hawaiian Kepnhlie. before its exisfence has been legalised by America. This is therefore a question worthy of being studied, as we will attempt to do io our next isene.