Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 October 1893 — District Court. [ARTICLE]

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District Court.

The usual amount of drnnks vrere fined the usnal amounts. R. Stone alias Wm. Mever was charged wiih being an escaped prisoner from Oahn Jail, where he waa senring a sentence for obstructing a poliee ofl5cer. Oolonel V. Ashford appeared for defendant. The prosecation calied Capt Tripp—formerly

jailer. J. D. Marlin, a prison luna, and James A. Low, tbe prejailer. They ali testihed to the escape of the defendant. No witnesaee *ere callod for the defenee. ATter argnment by eounael. thejodge pronounced Stone gnilty, and sentenced him to aix months imprisonment at hard lahor. A cbefa case against a aative occupied some time, and tho eaaee of Geo. Lycnrgus and T. A. Himpeou were then oalled. Mr. Lycurgns waa charged with keoping a disorderly house. Upon molion of Mr. Nenmann. tbe Court ordered tbe prosecuting ofBcer to make the charge mon apeeihe. and it wa» amendod to read 'keeping a diaorderly honse by the eale of Iiquor witbont a lieenae duriog tbe last four montbs. Mr. Lycnrgus, who ia defended by Meesrs. Nenmanu, Petereon and Creighton ptead notgnilty. and his case was set for lhis afternoon at 2:30 o'eloek. ■ Hr. T. A. Simpson was charged with selling liqnor withont lioenae on Oetober Iho He plead not guilty to the charge. and his eane wHl be heard tomonow. The aame counse! ap* >ear for Mr. Simpeon. as that rnUined by Mr. 1$ catgos.

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