Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Tho fol!owib pansengers ]eft the city ye.sterdav. For San Franci«co,—Dr. C S and Mrs Sargent. Mra Miss Marish, Mr ChatfieUl. and 1 in stoen»ge. F° r Maui and Hawaii,—Volo*no: Mi,«a W*nner, Miss Pat- **• Paul Henlaohel. F 8 Blinn. and wde. M'av ports: MissDeyo. 1 ' Aiona’ Mre Lidgate. Mre W D Scbaiidt and eerrant. S K Knu. F L Winter. Mre. Winter. W R Castle, W C Aehi, Chang Kim. C W Ashford, Miss 8chiageter. F H Ha>-selden, U K Wilder *nd about 35 deck. For Kaoai —Aug Drier. M Lynn, Di Sharp. Prof Libbey. C L 6ritto. Mr Brash. Miss Burg«w. Miss Gandail, Mre Kahale. C Pereira, W Whitgash. Mr Kifli C Shaw, C Stoeck)e. and 30 on deck. For Kauai,- Jndge Haidy. ■ 11