Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 14, 3 October 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Antone CJoys who w*s arrested on a obarge of enminal lihel against Captain Fergoso aml who was comniitted for trial to tbe NoTember tenn of the Circnit Gonrt bas been confined in the Oahn Prison to date, being nn «ble to fnrnish the reqnisite b«il of 150. Throngh tbe request of the conusels for CapUin FerguCIoys has been set at lil»erty and allowvd to go on hia owu recogniaanse. The probability is that AIr. Cloys will disappoar before hia eaēe is called. The AdTertiser whieh got him iuto troubie is eridentlv nnwill ing to help the man bere. and soems to sntisfied by getting of its own iuburn maliee and unscruplousnee*.