Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 14, 3 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Postal Rates to Hawaii. [ARTICLE]
Postal Rates to Hawaii.
B_v « r?c**nt n'>tif?c»tion of th# l)ej»artrarnt of Om>munic«lionw, the poaul raUw U» Hiwaii «re now the «ame as to the Unit**d SUtet. The Meki Sichi «.•*>•» the amounl >f corre«pondence b*tween J«pao •«nd Hawaii is email f»r ihe num» h«*t of iapaneae in thc iB!and«, but thinka th«t tbe «eUlen there bein| •f the poorer eiaee, the reduction •f the rate« will, no doubt, pn»ve a boon (o theno. ————p— ————mm