Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 14, 3 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Ye Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ye Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites.

In the Gospel aeeonlinp to St. Lnke, we aro tokl how Chnst sc«tbingly reboked the insolent Scribes aml Ph»»risees, savinp nnto them ‘' woo nnto ye, scribes and pharisees. hvpocrites.” The teachings of Christ were lost npon these people who bad an arrogant conceit th«t they were sm>erior to the rest of their fellow men. Their cbaracter has passed down throngh the ages and through the nations uureeilemeil by the Savior’s teachings, and in this nineteenth century tbey are tbe same. lf not worse, tban they were of old. lo fair Hawaii their isantle faas fallen, as it was in Jndea, upon a conceited cliqne. who are mo«lernly called ‘ miaaionanea.” But the scribes and pharisees of . biblical tiraes were holy men compared to their meniem type? we have in raind. Maliee, deceit. tre«chery, Tindictivenes8, jealonsv aod black hearts are added to the conceit and hypocrisy of the ancients, and form the epi* tome of tha modern phaiiaee or ‘ ; mis8Īonary.” Tbeae men 8talk aboat among ns in outward seeming. gentlemen of the nioeteentb century but their bearts are veritable sinks of evil p!ots. The savages of “Darkest Africa” or the so called p»igans of heatheo Iands have higher codes of bonor than do oor “christian‘' mis8ionaiy. I wonKl sooner trost my fate among the naked tril>es uf ZnlaUnd than to the charity or Oiercy «>f onr conventiomtl'y dressetl aud plaeaihle chrislian pharisees. In busioes». po)itics or any of the s«cial r>-lations of m«xlern life, these phariseee are veritable brigands and cot-tbroats. preying npoo eaeh otheras well as apon al! / society. Religion, honor, cbari- ' ty and all the virtoee are bot stepping stones, npon whieh they rest to deceive or posh astde tbeir rivals in tbe nniversal scramble for wealth. , Recent events in Hawaii kav« | bronght oot Iheae miaaionam pharisees in their most malignant sbape NotwithsUmling, tbey stood on the street eomeia, the

pal}vt* as reii as oo ihe hoas<»oil to to«* A*etic*a tiv>a &bJ IoaUiy «sserted '‘ I *n> l>etlor tb»o th«>so !be m*j<>rity oC the people tnatol theu» not - They resorte>i lo briberr »n«C «leception. bat tbeir plots *cr» foiIetl by its owu vleceptire stink. No conntry h*s been better goTemctl. iuor*> ligbtly t*x«l, fostered ac«l stfonl«l mv>re g» nej«I prosj>eriiy th*n b»s H«w*ii. Yet the Phaeimw were >1 -c>ntented. becanse U»ey beKl not Ihe high p!aces. Thv» able aiul comj>etent Macfarlane c binet w»s unhoiy. becauso not of their tribe; the Bro«m-Jones »ffiir. no better th«n the other. holy hec;«nse bi>rn of the Phar*see, Trea»on, »etlition. «nvl American dishonor wen> thon su nnu>ne<l to thoir aid. Now the missionary pharisee rovels in despotic glorv. h.v\ing delavlo«.i Unele Sam. and are snpj>orteil in power by a mob of armevl onaille while t!ioy pl»y at government to tho tone of Yankeo doodle played npon tbe royal piano. Woe unto ye scribos and phari* sees, hyj>ocrites. in that d«y of jndgment when tbe rights and fieedora of an iutoll’g*>nt poople ahall hare beon recv>gnized by tho dolnvled Power that liis noa:ly been misle<i into committmg n jK>litical crime, by yonr deceit and villainv. T. T.