Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 14, 3 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
6<srral ~&4rrrtisnar«ts H. LOSE, £sotary !Public. CoU<rtor and Gmeml Bnsiness Agent. Mntesl T«lepbotM 8. P. O. Box .138. V«imnt sirwt, Hoaolaia. Tno P. 8*vnu3t. A, W. Eowm ALOHA GALLERY> 513 Fonr Stub, Ho>OLCxr. (Up >teir«.) Portrait8 & Landscapes FtM6t CoIleetioB of lhvuua Vievs. P. O. Box 408. Eiias Kauluiaau Wright DENTIST,^ Comer of King and Beth«i Sts , UpaUin, Ealnnoe on Kiug Street. Office Houbs —From 9 a.m. to 12 m., 1to 4 p.m. SC*T Sandays eicepted. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! IB AKER Y IceCreamParlors F. HORN, Pboprietob. PRACTICAL Wfftioofr 4 Omameok lo xQ branches o { tbe haninew on tb«M iaiaads. AMERICAN, FRENCH, ENGL1SH axd OEKMAN PASTR1ES MADE T0 ORDER. Wedding and Birth-day CAKES Made of tue ven - best material, unsarpassed in richness of qnalitj* and oroamented in amtpproachahle style. at lower price» tban any other establisbment in Honolala. Famiiy \ Fancij Bftad, Guava Jelly. Preserved Tamarinds and Tamarind Syrop. ALL CONFECTIONERY Masnfactared at my EstabILahmeni are Qnaranieed t*> be Pomtttelt Pru and sold mi pric«s no other eaUMiahmenl eao ooiprtp wiih. FACTORY k STORE, No. 71 Hotkl 8teekt, Betweea Nooann and Fort Streeis BOTH TELEFBOSES So. T«.