Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 14, 3 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CHAS. iiIRDJLEJ8, Impoi*ter auel Comm«ssion Men?hant. | srn. ULTU5> t * P. Co*i»' M«duih< Jona* Brocks' Maohiao Thi«a>i Ltorti Thm»<i Pmk' Sok{> P. O. 35». Maiaa! T«»«<hc*r 3.V, 13 Kaihan. m>i S(nwi I — OHEAP FUEL I" i^811 1 gerol >a Firevvood i i $9.00 per Cord Oeiivered. ; JN0. F. OOLEUKN A CO. lm W. S. LUCE q q 3 Wine iiml Spirit .Merchant l CamjihfU Fire-proof Block, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU LEWI8 & Co., Wholesaie and Retail 6rocers AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FR£SH GAUFORNIA 8ALM0.N ON ICE By Every 8m Fnuicisco Stenmer. Salt Sauiov in BaHBEL8 a Specialtt. III Fort Si. t Honolulu. Tel. 340, P- O. Box 397. NAĪIONALIR0N W0RKS, Qcbkn Street, Between Alakea £ Richard Bts. THE U.VDER8IONED it« prn«nx1 to i uli *li kiada ot Ir»n Braa«, Bronte. Zinc, Tin »nd Lead Ca«tingi>. Aito a G«o«ral Bnair Bbop for S(eam Exurin«« ( KieMiāa. Corn MiUa. WaUr WheeU. Wind Mill*, «♦<. Maehine* for th« Oeaniag of Coff«e, Caator Oila, B«aaa. Haaua, Hiaal, Pinaappte Leam k olher Pibron« PlanU. And Paper 8tock. AUo Maehinea for Extracting 8tareh froa> the Manioe, Anov Root, etc IV All Order« j romptiv »ttended to. 1 WHITE, RITMAN <51 CO. 1
Long Branch I BATHING Estabiishment. I This Fir8l*c]sss Bathing Resort | has be«o eu]»rged anei i* now . open to Uie pnhlie. It is tbe best plic« oo the islands to enjov s bath and there i» no better pUc« to Uv off. SpecU) aeeom* i modations for Ladiee. Tramearw pHB the door erery haH hoor and m Satard«v8 aod 8andavs everv Kfteen minaUe. JAMES SHERWOOD, i 7 f Proprietor. i